3.30pm Sunday School – restarts 8th September 2024
- Our free to attend Sunday School runs during term-times, from 3.30pm for 60-70 minutes in the Church Hall (see location page for directions).
- Free transport available to collect and return children.
- We use Jill Masters’ Lessons for Life series which is systematic and flexible for a wide age range. This autumn we are studying the 10 Commandments (link to the Bible, Exodus 20).
- Three age classes currently: infants, juniors and high-school.
- We operate a reward system for attendance, bringing a friend, memorising a text of scripture, etc., whereby “text tokens” may be collected and exchanged for small gifts.
- Usual format: start with a chorus (such as ‘Father in this place of worship…’ YouTube link) and a joint introductory lesson before splitting for around 20 minutes into our different age classes. We join back together and finish up with a song. We prefer songs of worship drawn from our rich Christian heritage, such as on this YouTube playlist.
- Comprehensive safeguarding policy (PDF file link). Records are kept in accordance with our Privacy policy (PDF file link).
- Contact sundayschool@tabernaclecardiff.org
Online Sunday School
Sunday School went online during the COVID-19 pandemic, reaching a wide geographical audience. These lessons feature many of our teachers and give a good idea of what we still do in Sunday School. Visit our Online Sunday School Lessons playlist on Youtube
7.30pm Friday / Youth Fellowship
- Meeting for 18 plus at the home of Alun and Helen Higham